
Monday, November 21, 2016

Immigration: DACA Repeal?

    The media and social media alike have been asking the same question: will there be a DACA repeal? DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a policy developed by the Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and enforced by president Obama in 2012. It creates a virtual stop on deportation proceedings against an individual and allows them to obtain a work permit. While DACA status is renewable there is currently no pathway from DACA to resident or citizenship and it may be revoked at anytime. To be eligible for the status the person would have had to been: born on or after January 15, 1981; entered into the U.S. under the the age of 16; continuously resided in the country since 2007; currently in school; no criminal background; and a few others (I can include a link to the USCIS website below).
    The fear is not only coming from those 655,000 people already approved but it is also felt by those who were hopeful to one day apply. ABC news Samantha Marshal and International Business Times's Chris Riotta both have articles where they quote National Immigration Law Center's policy advocate Ignacia Rodriguez as saying, "generally speaking we think its best to hold off on applying for the first time right now." The reason being that because the administrations are changing, there is no certainty which administration will review your petition. People are fearful because Trumps rhetoric has led them to believe their information will be used against them. While administrations in the past have denied the possibility of using this volunteered information for enforcement purposes there is no telling how this may change.
   Only time will tell what will happen to DACA but realistically speaking DACA does not go against anything that Trump has protested. He should have no issues with it and the program should remain the unchanged. In the least it decriminalizes human beings and allows them to pay taxes and at most it represents peoples' hopes and dreams. DACA represents what most of us immigrants are... hard-working Americans.

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 International Busines Times Article:

ABC News Article:

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